Monthly Digest on Ukraine PRISM.UA

Monthly Digest on Ukraine PRISM.UA

In the fourth issue of “Prism.UA” we are pleased to present the analysis by Sergiy Gerasymchuk from Strategic and Security Studies Group. The author provides an overview of the general approaches of the stakeholders in the Russia-Ukraine conflict and broader –...

Monthly Digest on Ukraine PRISM.UA

Monthly Digest on Ukraine PRISM.UA

It is our pleasure to present the third piece of the digest “Prism.UA”. This time we focus on two very sensitive domestic issues in Ukraine. The decentralisation reform and the local election process are closely interconnected and therefore legitimately share the...

Monthly Digest on Ukraine PRISM.UA

Monthly Digest on Ukraine PRISM.UA

The second issue of "PRISM.UA" invites our readers to look deeper into the ongoing hybrid war that Russia is waging in Ukraine. Despite the fact that the last couple of weeks are promising as it looks like the military actions are suspended, yet there are too many...

Monthly Digest on Ukraine PRISM.UA

New Monthly Digest on Ukraine PRISM.UA

EESC is proud to introduce the first piece of the monthly digest “Prism.UA” which is devoted to analysing the ongoing social, political and economic processes in Ukraine. Even though Ukraine has been at the centre of world attention for quite some time, the reason...

Monthly Digest on Ukraine PRISM.UA

Maidan in Belarus: Unwanted By All Sides

The newest issue of the BELL invites our readers to look into the impact of Ukrainian events on Belarus. There is general consensus that the success of the so-called ‘little green men’ in eastern Ukraine significantly depended of the fact that the region lived in the...

Monthly Digest on Ukraine PRISM.UA

Opinion: The Russians are Coming to Occupy the Baltic States

In his opinion piece “The Russians are Coming to Occupy the Baltic States” EESC Senior Analyst Marius Laurinavicius argues that political preparation for military occupation of the Baltic States has already started in Moscow. He supports such argument by bringing...


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