Open call for researchers, academics, and experts from Belarus

Jun 7, 2022 | News, Publications

The Eastern Europe Studies Centre (EESC), in cooperation with the Belarus Association of Research Centres (BARC), invites researchers, academics, and experts from Belarus to submit applications for a travel scholarship to a conference of your choosing.

The grant is provided in the framework of an EESC project intended to provide support for the community of researchers, academics, and experts from Belarus and amplify the authentic voices from Belarus on the European level.

The scholarship would be granted for participating in international conferences or other events, focused on the developments in the European security, democratic developments, civil society participation, human rights and the rights of minorities, the policies of Eastern Europe, the war in Ukraine, political identity and memory, political reforms and political activism, disinformation, etc. Any given socio-political topic where the Belarusian perspective may be valuable can be covered by this grant. It can be a scientific conference, offering a wider possibility for exposure for Belarusian research community members, or an international expert meeting, allowing for networking between Belarusian and European researchers. However, the grant can be given only to someone, who makes a formal presentation, not to persons in solely an observer role.

The events that can be covered must happen between now and October 1, 2022.

You can send your applications to with the subject line “Application for scholarship”. Applications will be considered on a rolling basis.

The project is funded under the Lithuanian Development Cooperation and Democracy Promotion Programme.

More information is available here (in English) and here (in Russian).



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